2020 High school Writing Contest

The Roadrunner Review held its second annual High School Writing Competition and we were once again impressed by the quality of the submissions we received. High school students paid careful attention to language, creating fresh and urgent art. Our winner, Amanda Kay, placed us completely into the desert, a landscape we know well, but kept us surprised with the turns of her poem. Long after we finished reading it, we were thinking about her word choices and her confident shifts.
We are pleased to announce the results of our contest.
Amanda Kay, Santa Clara High School
Honorable Mentions
Zahra Hamdulay, Hill Spring International School
“How to Walk”
Maggie Munday Odom, The Grove School
“the buzz and the boom”
Gabrielle Brihn, North Royalton High School
Avalon Felice Lee, Notre Dame San Jose High School
“Welcome to the Galapagos”
Congratulations all the fine writers who submitted to our contest. We were honored.