We love The Roadrunner Review logo, which was created by Paulina White, an art student at La Sierra University. Our editor Katherine Gonzalez interviewed Paulina about the logo and her art process.
Can you tell me a little bit about the logo you created for The Roadrunner Review?
Paulina: I really love doing relief prints, and I specialize in printmaking. A relief print is a giant stamp that you can either carve into wood or linoleum. You carve the image using special tools and whatever you print is the reverse of what you carved. Sounds confusing but think of a mirror, same concept. After it’s done, you can make as many prints as you’d like.
Why did you choose to create the Roadrunner logo as a relief print?
Paulina: I was trying to get back into carving because I wanted to make more prints for my collection in the senior show this year. I prefer a much more natural look as opposed to a more illustrated look. So I thought, why not incorporate that passion into this new project?
What is a senior show?
Paulina: There are usually two senior shows and they are for graduating BFA majors at La Sierra University to showcase the skills they have learned while being here. Students are using their strengths within their emphasis to show off their best work.
If you were to put an unofficial title on your senior show, what would it be called?
Paulina: Sweet disturbia. You should feel engaged with the work but it draws on many different sensations: disgust, anxiety, nervousness, delight. My goal is to destigmatize the idea of phobias. Why make fun of me for my fear if I don’t make fun of you for yours?
How long has art been your passion?
Paulina: Probably since I was a little kid, drawing and coloring with my grandmother and my uncle.
Are they artists?
Paulina: Yeah, actually. My uncle is. He got his Masters in Art from San Diego State.
What is your favorite medium?
Paulina: Printmaking because you can make multiples of one thing.
Who is an artist that you look up to?
Paulina: My favorite artist is Keith Haring. I like that his simplistic style is fun yet it makes a big impact on people. He used his art to spread messages about health and love worldwide. He started out as a street artist and was discovered, made famous, and began to make pieces about AIDS and the importance of practicing safe sex. He established a foundation that continues to do a lot of work today. Ironically, he died of AIDS, but his work is still something that really inspires me as an artist.
What would you say to a young artist who is debating whether to major in the arts?
Paulina: Work hard and don’t get discouraged when something doesn’t go right because every little mistake leads to more room for creativity and growth.
This interview was conducted by Katherine Gonzalez, a senior English major at La Sierra University and an editor at The Roadrunner Review.