Santa Ana River Review is a literary journal housed at University of California, Riverside and edited by students in their creative writing MFA program. The journal welcomes bold art and writing that represents life in all its experiences.
Their website is very easy to navigate and the aesthetics, font, and art are complimentary to the selected pieces. The published pieces are of a mixed genres and perspectives that reflect contemporary life.
Representative Work
FICTION: Dance of the Tamborines by Nazli Karabiyikoglu is a wonderful narrative about exfoliating dead skin cells & bathing in Turkish baths by odalisques, in an effort to wash away sin. It is told with clarity and imaginative imagery.
CREATIVE NONFICTION: In The Mechanics of the Butterfly, Jocelyn Ulevicus uses the metamorphosis of a butterfly as a metaphor in describing the changes in her life as she confronts painful memories of her childhood.
POETRY: yes, and the body has memory by Natalia A. Pagán speaks powerfully to the remembrance of things left behind.
DRAMA: Princess of the Sea by Stanley Toledo is a fast paced three character play about a teenage girl who–having to make decisions about her future–slips into a dream about living in the past.
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Submission Information
Visual Arts: 3 pieces
Creative Nonfiction: 5,000 words max
Fiction: 5000 words (novel excerpts welcome, but they must be self-contained)
Poetry: 3 poems (7 pages max)
Drama: 12 pages max
Submission Fee: Free
Submission Window: September through May
Submission Method: Submittable
Roundup created by Andrea M. Juck